
International conference  15.04., Pärnumaa 
(Taltsi talu, Kastna küla, Tõstamaa vald), 10-17.30h

To increase the activities of private forestry – associated activities and certification in Sweden

The participants of the conference and the Swedish experts were very satisfied with the conference. The conference took place in Taltsi talu and united praxis and lectures. Together with the owner Aivar Vene, a forest owner joined to the group certificate pilotproject, stepped the conference participants after introductory presentations into the forest. Aivar did in this birch forest growing in former grassland a clearcut some years ago. During the felling operations, larger birches and pines were left over. Aivar planted Swedish spruce on half of the area, the other half is left for natural regeneration. Forest management would not have been possible without drainage, and Aivar had to construct an extensive drainage system. The Swedish experts appreciated the works, taking into account also Aivars’ active management. Conducting work with chainsaw preserved the soil structure, and regularly cutting of the growing bushes saved the life of the spruces planted. Aivars management is in accordance with the Swedish and Estonian standard.

Conference materials:


10.00-10.30: Christiane Herty, EMSN: Forest certification in Estonia, EMSN plans and visions
10.00-11.00: Leif Strömquist, Swedish forest consultant: Swedish support for the development of the East-European private forestry throughout the years
11.30-12.30: Albert Eliasson, Södra Metsad Board: Presentation of the activities of Södra in Sweden and Estonia, importance of quality in forestry and reasons for active participation in forestry development
12.30-13.00: Lunch
13.00-13.30: Anders Ekberg, former environmental manager in Södra Skog: Certification and Södra-green forest management plans, green “driving license” and Södras participation in the revision of the standard
13.30-17.30: Visit to the forest:
Anders Ekberg, former environmental manager in Södra Skog: Explaining PEFC in the praxis, following the Swedish PEFC standard and presentation of a model to secure good environmental standards and high quality  in certification
Kalle Põld, Prviate Forest Center: Hot topics and open discussion.

The participation is free for all interested persons!

Participation interest please announce before April 13th .

Maaelu Arengu Euroopa Põllumajandusfond: Euroopa investeeringud maapiirkondadesse


Conference: „Forest Certification: necessary, useful, needless?“ 21.11.2008, Tartu

11.00  – 11.05    Welcome – Christiane Herty EMSN/PEFC
11.05  – 11.45    What is sustainability? – Enn Pärt, MMK
11.45-12.15      Coffee break
12.15  – 12.55   PEFC development, plans, definitions – Henn Korjus (EMÜ/PEFC)
13.00  – 13.45    FSC development, plans, definitions – Hando Hain (NEPCon/FSC )
13.45.-14.15     Coffee break
14.45-15.30      Working groups:
1) Economical benefits (Andres Talijärv, EMTL)
2) Nature protection (Liis Kuresoo, ELF)
3) Social aspects (Kristjan Tõnisson, RMK)
15.30 – 16.00    Feed-back from the working groups and summary of the conference

Ideas and main topics in the working groups:

Economical benefits:
Certification is a cost. Why do companies commit themselves to certification:
-Calming down interest groups/stakeholders
-Market preferences
-Ensuring the market
Every promotion costs

Nature protection:
Useful    Needless
Supports environmental education     Little knowledge, unknown logo
Nature protection organizations are included in the compilation of the standards    Standards are a result of known ideas
Discussions within the stakeholders/interest groups    Standards are not changing
Tracing the origin of wood    Certification is not directed to future
Audit leads to good practices    Areas certified which should not be managed
Global agreements    Certification will result in intensive forest management
Direct environmental protection in the course of an economical activity    Small stakeholders have difficulties to join the certificate
Protection of indigenous people saves the environment as well
Social aspects
-Certificate did not influence the reduction of work places during RMK reform
-Saving the skills of indigenous people / First-Nations give bonus
-Increasing work safety especially in the Southern hemisphere
-Better prices and access to the markets (in case of group certification)
-Raising awareness

Presentations (in Estonian):

Maaelu Arengu Euroopa Põllumajandusfond: Euroopa investeeringud maapiirkondadesse

Activities in September 2008: Information day in Tallinn

The Estonian PEFC standards, developed within the last years, were internationally accepted in March this year. By now, three COC certificates are issued in Estonia. The Estonian Forest Certification Council (Eesti Metsasertifitseerimine Nõukogu-EMSN) organized an information day on PEFC in Estonia on the 11th of September 2008 in Tallinn, Estonia. The information day provided the possibility to get to know the Estonian forest and chain-of-custody standards, features the development, projects and vision of PEFC certification in Estonia and offered a good opportunity for exchange of experiences and information. PEFC certificate owners and specialist for certification from Inspecta and De Norske Veritas from Finland took part in the seminar as well as representatives from the Estonian certification and accreditation sector and did provide qualified first-hand information. The seminar was directed to all interested persons in the forestry and wood-working sector, and over 40 interested persons participated.
EMSN did hope to raise awareness for certification with this seminar, which seems to have been successful. The state forest mentioned its interest in forest management certification; the wood working industry recognized a raised interest for certified wood recently. In the open discussion, the representative from Metsäliitto Finland and the Finnish pilotproject in Russia received a strong interest. The mayor field of work for EMSN is connected with developing a feasible and lively forest management certification in Estonia. EMSN members and organizer received valuable inputs from this seminar; the seminar deepened  the close cooperation with FFCS Finland. On this basis, the General Assembly will come together in autumn to discuss the further direction and strategy of  EMSN.
EMSN applied successfully for support by the Estonian government to cover the costs of activities like this and is working on future promotion activities.
More information:
Christiane Herty, Secretary General PEFC Estonia


Christiane Herty

Auvo Kaivola

Kalev Jõgiste

Hando Hain

Kristiina Saarniit

Olli Eeronheimo
