

ADFOR project “Advisory methodology and system possibilities to educate forest owners, professionals & consultants” is an international cooperation between Estonia, United kingdom, Finland and Italy. Project goal is to exchange experience and to present best practices used by partners in the field of educating people with forestry related occupancy.

The project was funded by European Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig.


Project activities

A project kick-off meeting in Estonia, Tallinn was held on 25.11-26.11.2013 where partners agreed to following work plan and project activities. In project duration 4 meetings are held, 1 in each country. There are two main outcomes in the project:

– a situation book which is a description of all participating country’s private forestry and advisory systems

– a guide book which is a summary of all best practices used in participating countries. The guide book allows all other interested parties to learn from our shared experience.

Project results are available HERE

Additionally during the project invaluable contacts were made which make future co-operations possible and more effective.

